Table of contents:

Gameplay commands

/commands - Shows a concise list of available commands.

/help - Shows you the in-game Help Guide.

/showcase - Opens your showcase menu, where you can display your favorite items.

/showcase [username] - View other people's showcases.

/rewards, /mailbox - Access all of the various rewards you obtain on Craftadia.

/playtime - Shows your total playtime and first join date.

/playtime [user] - Shows another player's total playtime and first join date.

/map - Shows a map of claims/chunks around you. You can also claim chunks using this map; hover over an unclaimed chunk on the map, click it and claim it.

/claim - Type twice to claim a 16x16 area you are standing in.

/claim [radius]- Type a radius to claim a radius around you.

/unclaim - Type twice to unclaim a 16x16 area you are standing in.

/unclaim [radius]- Type a radius to unclaim a radius around you.

/claim edit - Edit the chunk options in the chunk you are standing in.

/sethome [name] - Sets home in the spot you are standing in.

/delhome [name] - Deletes home under that name.